Wave bleu

F-18 27’6” X 14’3”


It is our know-how that has allowed us to design a pool model where the comforting side of the spa and the freshness of the pool meet. Its innovative configuration allows you to enjoy a pool with 2 comfort zones, spa and pool.

With the addition of a divider table and a gas heater, the spa area provides you with the most comfortable water temperature in just a few minutes. Still wondering if this is the fiberglass pool of your dream? You might want to give a look at our hybrid spa if this one is a dream for you.


27’6" x 14’3" x 6’

Dimensions image

Wave bleu

Pool Equipment Options

Wave bleu


Skimmer and piping installed

Whirlpool jets installed

Dewatering wells

Installation template

Geotextile membrane

Pipes connecting the filtration system and the pond(50 feet)

Closing box

Wave bleu

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